Monday, January 31, 2022

Morning Darkness

My favorite time of day is very early in the morning when it is dark outside, and the world seems quiet and still. There is a hushed anticipation of what is coming. Meanwhile I use the quietness to prepare my heart and thoughts for the day.

When the sky begins to lighten, I find myself standing at the patio doors, camera in hand. I watch as colors creep across the sky sometimes in bands of deep purple, blue, tinges of pink or orange.

 And I wait for the sun to peek through 
before it bursts upon the scene in stunning brilliance.

I have been known to go barefooted outside onto the frozen deck – afraid of missing something if I go to put shoes on. My husband saw my bare footprint in the snow the other day and questioned me about it. Yes, that’s how crazy I can be! And I take photos, lots of photos, which usually stay in my phone photo gallery because each one has merit of its own, at least in my eyes.

This morning the thought struck me.

We can choose how we feel about the darkness.

We can shut our eyes to it.

We can despise and dread and fear it.

We can waste it. 

Or we can rest and refresh in it.

We can prepare our bodies, hearts, and minds for what is ahead.

And we can anticipate what’s still to come – the radiance and warmth of the sun.

However dark our days, whatever darkness we face,

We can be assured that THE Son, The Light of the World, is present.
Always and forever His love warms and keeps us.

Anticipate what He will do as you wait and watch for HIM.

The next time you find yourself awake in the wee hours of the morning, take your camera and stand by the door. Look up at the sky. The Creator might be painting a beautiful masterpiece for you to enjoy. (And if it’s cold you might want to put your shoes on first. You may not be able to resist going outside.)

2 Samuel 22:29(b) “…The Lord illumines my darkness.”  Micah 7:8 (b) “…Though I dwell in the darkness, the Lord is a light for me.”  Psalm 84:11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield, The Lord gives grace and glory. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”



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