Monday, April 9, 2018

Glorious Day

Yesterday was a cloudy, gloomy, blustery, cold and oppressive sort of day.
Seems like there have been a lot of them lately.
I miss the SUN. 
But today! What a difference!
It’s a clear, bright day without a cloud in the sky.
Sunlight is streaming through the windows.
The air is crisp, still, peaceful, calm.
Even the colors seem more vivid.
I feel my spirits lifting even as I type these words.

I got to thinking about what a difference a day makes.
And I thought of Heaven.
This world we are living in is like living in a fog -
oppressive, gloomy and gray, blurry and indistinct.

But one day!
Oh! On that day,
When we see Jesus,
the difference will be astonishing,
everything will become clear -
colors brighter, distinct, glorious
and shining with the radiance of the SON!  

“For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now we know in part, but then we shall know even as we are known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12 

 "What A Day That Will Be"  - by Jim Hill.

There is coming a day when no heartaches shall come
No more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye
All is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore,
What a day, glorious day that will be!

What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand and leads me through the Promised Land
What a day, glorious day that will be!

There'll be no sorrow there, no more burdens to bear,
No more sickness, no pain, no more parting over there;
And forever I will be with the One who died for me,
What a day, glorious day that will be!

When that day comes, I know where I’ll be.
And up there, friends, the SON is always shining!

Ruth 🎔

Sunday, April 1, 2018


 Signs of LIFE greet us as trees bud and Spring flowers lift their heads skyward.                          

This time of year is always welcome after the cold stark winter weather.
A beautiful word! 

It feels good to get out into the garden and clear away the dead remnants of the winter, to prepare the soil for the emergence of new growth, to plant and water and watch.

But so many people are walking around with dead barrenness of the soul, when they could be experiencing LIFE!

This is the message of Easter! Jesus died and rose again so that we could have LIFE, and have it more abundantly! (John 10:10) He came to make us ALIVE when we were dead in trespasses and sins. (Ephesians 2:1) At the tomb of Lazarus Jesus said to Martha, “I am the resurrection and the LIFE. He who believes in Me, though he may die, yet shall he LIVE.” (John 11:25) And in the words of the most well-known of all Scriptures John writes, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting LIFE.” (John 3:15). “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal LIFE through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 3:23) From His death on the cross, and the power of the resurrection comes the hope of eternal LIFE. And it’s all because of Jesus!

It’s a choice. This Easter choose LIFE!