Monday, December 6, 2021

Trust the Creator


I saw a squirrel working on its nest this morning, preparing for the coming winter. It ventured far out onto a limb, sawed off a small twig with its teeth then held it in its mouth to leap onto the nest where it worked the twig into the partially completed structure. That little squirrel made repeated trips to and from the nest, searching for just the right branch and twig, rejecting those deemed unacceptable. Some of the chosen twigs were twice as long as the squirrel but it would twist and turn to maneuver that twig through obstacles blocking the way. I watched it leap across a fork in the tree to disappear into the nest with the prized twig. I was fascinated! I marveled that some people disbelieve the existence of a Creator!  How did that squirrel know what to do? Who put that instinct into its little body?

I am reminded of God’s words in the book of Job chapters 38-41 that He created it all and that “Whatever is under the whole heaven” is God’s. (41:11) God’s words caused Job to confess, “…I know that Thou canst do all things and that no purpose of Thine can be thwarted.” (42:2).

Jesus spoke of creation in Matthew 6:26-34, using God’s provision and care for creation to remind the disciples not to be anxious, but to seek Him first!  He said that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father knowing. (Matthew 10:29).

Creation speaks to us in many ways but always points to the Creator God.  We just have to look for the lessons in the little things. And as we look we remember not to be anxious because no plan of God can be thwarted! As you hear of things happening in the world today, take a break, turn off the TV and go outside. Look at the marvels of creation and TRUST the ONE who made it all.


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