Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanks Giving

give thanks unto the Lord
call upon his name:
make known his deeds among the people. 
Psalm 105:1

In light of current world events, we are surrounded by people who are deeply disheartened and fearful. The political climate is hostile, the social atmosphere is antagonistic and culturally we are way outside the box of our forefathers' world. 

And now, in the middle of the chaos, many will gather next Thursday to commemorate an earlier time in history.  And sometimes those gatherings can turn into disagreeable and tense discussions sadly lacking in the hoped-for climate of peace and thankfulness. 

The first Thanksgiving was a celebration of life, survival, harvest, provision, protection, a new start in a new land in the midst of hardship and suffering.  But today, what is there to celebrate? 

Thanksgiving is and always was God's idea. These words of the Psalmist give an outline for a truly wonderful Thanksgiving Day agenda. 

1. "Give thanks unto the Lord."
Thank him for his presence and his provision.
If you're stuck for ideas try making an A-Z list.
And be grateful!

2. Pray  - "Call upon His name"  
Prayer has become unpopular - even forbidden in some venues. Yet what greater way to have a thankful heart than to go to the Giver of life in prayer!
3. Tell - "Make known his deeds among the people."
So, what has He done? 
Who can you tell?

As you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, help steer the course of conversation toward thankfulness. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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