Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Take heart!

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

"Courage" has at its origin the word 'heart.'  It makes sense. We feel "disheartened" when we are discouraged. And so often discouragement follows on the heels of failure, disappointment, unrealized hopes and dreams (or watching the world and national news!) But to quote the greatest teacher ever, "Take heart!"

We can have courage because of the PAST.
How often I have seen God move in miraculous and profound ways in the past. I have only to read back through old letters and journals to recall memories long forgotten -
Stories of God's faithfulness,
His provision,
His protection,
His enabling.

We can have courage because of God's PROMISES.
He promises never to leave me or forsake me.
I can have courage because I never have to walk alone through the difficulties of life.
He watches over me.
I do not have to fear for my children and grandchildren, knowing that He watches over them!
He loves me.
I have courage to keep going if I feel unloved, devalued or unappreciated.
Because the One who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world,
I do not have to be afraid of world events.

We can have courage because of God's actions in the PRESENT.
Have you noticed the beautiful sunrises lately?
Seeing God's work in the daily moments of life,
in the beauty around me
and in the way He orchestrates the "coincidences" that keep us safe -
are great reminders of His presence now.
I walk with Him and He walks with me.
And I am not afraid.

We can take risks for the FUTURE.
Not foolish, reckless risks -
but stepping out in faith,
moving forward courageously,
putting into action the words of Corrie ten Boom who said,
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."
I can have courage to try new things,
to let go of familiar things,
and to trust Him for today... and tomorrow... and all the tomorrows after that!

So, today, replace fears with faith.
Live courageously!

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, thank you for this message. Today I have been a little fearful as I am thinking about my 4 grandchildren and all they are faced with. ( I pray for them and know the power of prayer, however -----see the conflict going on here !!!) I see how they are being indoctrinated in their schools and in their liberal churches. The common core political agenda in schools, and their church with liberal, social justice, inclusiveness, and bending to the new cultural beliefs regarding traditional marriage, questioning the bible, etc.,etc.,etc. You reminded me that HE watches over them. I love the phrase, "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." I am thanking God for speaking to me through this message from you.!!!
