Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Am I bored yet?

So what HAVE I been doing in retirement?
It's hard to believe that I started on this new journey over 3 years ago,
But I did.
And it has been good -
And enlightening.
Have I been bored you asked?
God has given me ongoing opportunities to teach Bible classes (which I love),
To enjoy time with friends and family (which I also love!)
And to work on projects such as these:

Several other writing projects are in the works. My typing fingers are itching to get to them!

We have had the privilege of caring for Pete's mother who will be celebrate her 90th birthday in January. Since moving her here in February we have been helping her adjust to her new life in Kansas.

So... No,
I'm not bored yet and don't plan to be anytime in the near future.
What I AM is a child of God,
Grateful to belong to Him,
and rejoicing in the strength He gives!



  1. You have always been an inspiration to me and you still are. You have always been a friend, mentor, and my levelheaded coach even if we are far from each other; we still have that connection. Your Morning Refreshment blogs seem to show up at the just the right time I need them the most. I thank you for that.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my dear friend!! Love Kathy

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Kathy. And thank you for reading the blog. I am so glad you find encouragement in them. Have a very Merry Christmas!
