Reading through Galatians, I noticed a verse I can’t remember seeing before. I’m sure it’s been there all along but it never
caught my attention like it did this day. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Have I
become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16)
Have you noticed how often Christians are seen as the enemy in
today’s world, especially when one takes a definitive stand, ignoring political
correctness? People of faith are frequently labeled as bigots, intolerant,
unloving, narrow minded …
And truth is labeled “hate speech.”
How typical of human nature – to be “friends” as long as we
hear what we want to hear – as long as we are not offended or convicted or
uncomfortable. But when truth butts heads with our own behavior or beliefs, we
reject both the truth and the truth teller!
Is it any wonder that Christians are so often hated – that there is so
much hostility directed towards people of faith and conviction.
Truth offends.
Jesus, THE Truth, was treated as an enemy by the people –
good people, bad people, religious and irreligious people. People took
offense at his truth teaching. Yet he loved them, even those who despised him. There is a way to speak truth in love, without
being obnoxious. But truth will offend. We do not get to define what is truth based on what we believe or how we behave or by what the culture deems acceptable.
God’s Word is truth. (Psalm 119:160)
God help me to hold onto truth –
Believing the truth,
Speaking the truth, (Ephesians 4:15)
Handling the truth accurately, (2 Timothy 2:15)
Never exchanging the truth of God for a lie, (Romans 1:25)
Not caving into the pressures of current trends, hostility or political
May this be my prayer:
Help me to always speak the truth, in love, so that You become known to
those around me.
And Lord, if someone is offended may it not be You!
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable
in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)