Monday, April 11, 2022

Easter Is So Much More ...


Easter is much more than bunnies, chicks, colored eggs, lilies, and baskets filled with chocolate candy and jellybeans. Oh! Don’t get me wrong. I like a good chocolate bunny … and those marshmallow peeps? Yum! But Easter is so much more.

More than a church service, new clothes, and a special meal with family and friends,

More than a holiday.

Easter is a Holy Day!

The day when the Holy Son of God atoned for sin.

Justice was satisfied.

Forgiveness was extended.

Death was conquered and Eternal Life was guaranteed for all who would believe and receive it.

It was then that the Holy God/man took the punishment we deserved so we don't have to.

He suffered – brutal beatings, abusive mocking, spittle, humiliation, false accusations, and hatred until, fastened to a rough wooden cross, He was hung up to die while spectators hurled insults at Him, the Perfect Sinless Son of God.

The weight of our sin was placed upon Him.

The Father turned His back on Him.

The Sun refused to shine.

The Earth shook.

And the Son gave His life up to death.

But ...

Death couldn’t keep Him!

On the third day He left the grave clothes behind in the empty tomb and rose victorious over sin and death itself!

And every year at Easter we celebrate the victory we have because Jesus paid the ultimate, sacrificial price for our sin.

And the cute chicks and bunnies, the colored eggs, the flowers, the chocolates?

They’re all fine and good and fun.

But they are not what Easter is about.

Easter is about HOPE!

Hope that gives each day purpose and meaning.

It puts Joy in our hearts and Eternal Life in our future.

It calls us to look beyond our current circumstances to the One who secured our eternal destiny for us,

The One worthy of celebration and worship – Jesus, God’s true Son.

Easter is more than a once-a-year story. 

It is a never-ending story.

Happy Easter! He is Risen!


My recent book tells the Never-Ending Story along with some daily devotions.
It is available for purchase on Amazon and
Clicking the picture takes you to a link.

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