What have I been up to since I retired in June? Well, since you asked … So far it has been a
mix of old and new experiences.
Here are some highlights.
In July we flew to Florida to meet up with our Pennsylvania kids
and grandkids - Pete, Kristen, Taylor and Sydney.

Thanks to Pete and Kristen, we also began
the celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary with cake and family fun.
During the summer we spent a couple weekends exploring some of the beautiful
Kansas lake campgrounds in our pop-up camper. Pete got me to get on a bicycle for the first time in years!
Then in September we hit the road for South Carolina to visit Pete’s
October 5th was our actual anniversary date and
we drove to Galveston, Texas. The beach is beautiful this time of year. We happened to be there during the Harvest Moon Regatta and the sailboats were beautiful as they passed by our beach.
In between trips I was privileged to teach 4 classes to a
wonderful group of Bible study ladies (You know who you are!) Such a joy to prepare
and teach twice on each topic, “Who is Jesus” and “The Resurrection – Truth or
Hoax.” It was a delight to see good friends again and to open the Word
I also spoke to a MOPS group about “Courage to Step Out and
Follow God” and a MOMS group about “Leaving a Legacy.” Those who know me know how much I love to share God’s Word with others.
On a whim I started doing demo on our bathroom and the
project grew a life of its own. We are now into full bath remodel mode. That is
another story for another time. But it has been a huge learning curve for me –
and FUN! I may have found a new
career! Pete says he will hire me out!

Then 2 weeks later Liz,
Stefan, Annika and I will fly back to the USA leaving Markus to keep the home
fires burning in Austria until he can join us at Christmas. Liz, Stefan and
Annika will be with us for 6 year old Stefan’s first Thanksgiving in America and
we look forward to spending these holidays together.
Christmas we anticipate a full house so I am busy making
preparations to have the gang all here to celebrate THE Best Gift ever given, “the
Savior of the world.” (1 John 4:14)
As you gather around your table this Thanksgiving, may you
find your heart overflowing with gratitude to the ONE who blesses us
continually from the goodness of His
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
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