I thank God for the gift of my Mom.
Her love for Him and her obedience to His Word are forever an example to me
of a woman who walked with God.
She was independent yet submitted to the leadership of our Dad
because she trusted God to guide him.
She was strong, yet yielding and flexible.
Her life was marked by honesty and integrity.
Generosity and hospitality touched those in her sphere of influence.
She was faithful and loyal to God, family, friends and country.
She was stoic and brave, bold yet kind.
And she loved us fiercely,
supported us unselfishly,
disciplined us kindly
and taught us Biblically.
Her life inspired, motivated and encouraged me to be who I am.
In the years she's been gone I think of her often...
and miss her always.
In the 3 week period which includes the day of her passing, her birthday, and Mothers' Day
I reflect on the woman she was
and I thank God for blessing me with her.
I love you, Mom.