1 Samuel 30:6 “But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.”
Strength for each day comes only from the Lord. No
pill, smoothie, supplement, exercise, self-help book or guru gives
strength, encouragement and fortitude in
the face of anguish and distress.
1 Samuel chapter 30 finds David in grave
danger of being stoned to death by the very men whom he led! He was in “much
distress” and grief. His wives, along with the wives
and children of his men, had been captured by a raiding party and carted off by their captors
while David and his men were away in battle.
Now David’s men were threatening to kill him. His own men whom he provided for, sheltered and had led in numerous victories, turned on him at a time when he also needed comfort.
His response?
- He “strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” Verse 6
- Then he inquired of the Lord as to what he should do. Verse 8
- He did what the Lord showed him. Verse 9
- And he gave glory to God for victory. Verse 23
No matter the grief or trial,
I have no need to
For God, my strength and fortress,
Has promised He
will hear.
If I will call on Him in prayer,
He’ll show me what
to do.
When in obedience, I trust Him,
His strength will
get me through.
Then I will give Him all the glory,
Give Him all the
For He, in mercy and great love,
Has seen me
through tough days.
How about you? Where do you find strength for each day?
turns to encouragement when we look away from our circumstances and focus our
eyes upon the Lord.” (Mildred Stamm, Meditation Moments)