Friday, May 22, 2015

Gardening with joy

By 7AM this morning I saw my first snake of the day.
Yes, you read that right.
My first snake OF. THE.  DAY.
For some reason we have been “blessed” with an abundance of snakes in the garden this year.

To be honest, seeing snakes does not give me warm fuzzies. 
In fact, seeing a snake usually prompts me to cease what I am doing, and propels me into the house where I firmly close the door behind me.

Maybe it’s the years we spent living in Africa, where snakes do not have a good reputation and are avoided at all costs - at least by those of us not versed in the science of good reptile vs bad.
Maybe it’s idioms like referring to someone as “a snake in the grass” or saying “if it was a snake it would have bitten you.” 
Or maybe it’s the references to that crafty serpent in the garden of Genesis, or the venomous snakes mentioned by the Psalmist and the Prophets.
But whatever the reason, I react negatively to snake sightings.

My husband says these garden variety snakes eat mice and bugs and that we should appreciate their residence in our garden.  Hmmmm. I’ve had mice in the house in the past and have NOT liked it.  But I haven’t seen evidence of any around lately.

Is it true that sometimes the things that we fear the most actually can help us?
Is it possible that if we could rid our lives of everything that tries us we could be overrun with troubles of a different variety?

In the Bible James tells us to ‘consider it pure JOY when we face trials.’
I’m a L O N G  way from looking at snakes with JOY.
But maybe it’s time to put on my boots and get back out into the garden.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Responding to Tough Situations

Generations of women have faced the unknown with mixed emotions ranging from excited joyous anticipation … 

To trembling fear and dread.

Some suffered disappointment,

Shattered expectations,


Difficult relationships,



Loss of control.

Some struggled letting go: 

of Dreams,



Some have felt unfulfilled while searching for the meaning of life.

Others have lived in happier circumstances, or less troubled times.

But NEVER… EVER has the road been smooth sailing ALL THE TIME.

And in every situation,

Whatever the circumstance,

Each woman had to make a choice: 

Who or What will she trust?

Some trusted in their heritage, culture, education, skills or expertise. 

Some trusted in their leaders, traditions, or religious beliefs.

But each one trusted in something or someone…

            Maybe even in Herself ! !

In my Bible I have been studying some women’s reactions and responses to life. I look forward to sharing my findings and making new discoveries.
Each Wednesday evening in June and July, beginning June 3rd, at 6:30, I will be in the Gathering Place at Gateway of Hope Ministries. We will examine the lives of one or more Bible women to see how their responses revealed their hearts.

Our discussion will challenge us to consider our responses to life while answering the questions: 

What is in MY heart?

Who or What do I trust?

Enrollment is going on now. If you want to join us, I’ll save a seat for you!
Sign up at  

Are you up for the challenge?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Tribute to Special Mothers

This Spring I was pleasantly surprised to see my lilac bushes blooming better than ever before. The sight and scent of lilacs always takes me back to my childhood and thoughts of my mother. Mom loved lilacs and as her birthday fell on Mothers’ Day weekend, I liked to beg lilacs from the neighbor’s bushes and take them to her.  Three years ago on April 26th God called her home where I believe the lilacs in her garden surely bloom year round.   

On this Mother’s Day I want to pay tribute to some special mothers.
  • First, to my own Mom, Sophie Haken, a shining light in my life until she passed away just two weeks short of her 91st birthday. She still inspires me. Thanks, Mom, for the life you gave me.  I miss you.
  • Then to my mother-in-law, Maxine Cowles, without whom I would not have my wonderful godly husband of 40 years.  I am eternally grateful for her, and I’m still in love with her son, Peter.
  • Next I am grateful to Cathy Brown, Nancy Layne, and Aurelia Pall, my children’s mothers-in-law. Each raised a child who married into our family. Our family would not be complete without our two sweet daughters-in-law and wonderful son-in-law.
  •  And finally, a special tribute to the mothers of our seven grandchildren.  Liz, Kristen and Hailey, you are perfectly designed to love and raise the children God gave you. Our grandchildren could not have better mothers. I am so thankful for you, and for the loving way you care for each of your precious children. You each take your role seriously, yet still bring laughter and joy into your homes.

God’s creative plan was to put us in families.  I’m so glad He did.
Maybe you have some special women in your life. If so, perhaps Mothers’ Day is the perfect time to let them know what they mean to you.  

For those in special need of comfort this Mothers’ Day, God says, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13) and “I will not forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15b). Whatever your circumstances, you are not forgotten and you are dearly loved. Celebrate!

Happy Mothers' Day,

PS. Beginning June 3rd I have the privilege of leading an 8 week Bible study at Gateway of Hope Ministries. The 8 week class, Bible Women Responding to Tough Situations, will be at 6:30PM Wednesdays in June and July. If you would like to participate go to for information and directions.